The Sixth Way to Practice the Presence of God…Even if You’re Busy

“It is the infinite value of the finished work of Christ upon the cross plus nothing that is the sole basis for the removal of our guilt and the bestowal of the same level of worthiness as is possessed by Christ.” -Francis Schaeffer

This is one of my favorite quotes and I let it sink in and wash over me again as I sprawl out in the glorious, spring sunshine on the giant swing. My cat, Daniel Tiger, gets it. He seeks out his favorite spot on our property to soak up the…

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The Fifth Way to Practice the Presence of God…Even if You’re Busy

I feel vulnerable.  And when I feel vulnerable, my first reaction is to run away. While I know my response needs to be to run to God, I’m just realizing that this entire week I’ve been running from Him.

What makes you feel vulnerable?

For me, there have been some things brewing like…

Loving in the Hard:

Stretching yourself to try to continually love someone well who doesn’t return the same level of love, perhaps even someone who only returns aloofness or harshness is deeply…

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The Fourth Way to Practice the Presence of God…Even if You’re Busy

I breathed in the warm, salty air deeply. With my hair whipping in the wind and waves crashing onto my feet, I smiled and poured out my heart to him as we walked along the beach.

It was a season in my life when I traveled often for my job.  I was blessed to have the sales territories of Florida, Washington, Oregon, and Colorado. I was always sure to visit beaches and mountains as I traveled.  The thought of being refreshed in the surroundings of beaches or mountains is what often pushed me…

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The Third Way to Practice the Presence of God…Even if You’re Busy

Presence of God Way 3

Inspired by my journal from three years ago:

“I told you guys I need peace this morning!”

I had just prayed that the Lord would help me know what to write about for this blog post.  He answered quickly.  Without skipping a beat, my husband let the dog loose to come upstairs.  “I thought it would be fun for you and the kids”, he said.  The kids started playing baseball in my room.  Their squealing and…

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The Second Way to Practice the Presence of God…Even if You’re Busy

We’ve come to the second of Brother Lawrence’s six ways necessary to develop the spiritual life in The Practice of the Presence of God.  

I’ve been talking a bit about my weekly phone call with Suzanne each week and how it’s inspired me in practicing the presence of God.  Something I enjoy about my friend, Suzanne, is that once in a while she texts me a personal note. She encourages me in an area I’m struggling with or updates me on some aspect…

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The First Way to Practice the Presence of God…Even if You’re Busy

Presence of God 1

I mentioned last week that I talk to my friend, Suzanne, every Wednesday morning. This weekly phone call to Suzanne where we talk about our week and cry out to God together; it’s actually taught me a lot about practicing the presence of God. There have been too many times in life that I’ve opened up my heart only for it to be trampled on by someone I trusted. The “Suzanne call” teaches my heart to be open and honest and vulnerable. To…

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6 Ways to Practice the Presence of God…Even if You’re Busy (Introduction to the Six Week Series)

There’s only one person I ever call at 6:45 a.m. on Wednesday mornings. It’s Suzanne.  I don’t remember the date it started, but we’ve been doing this for almost thirteen years. It’s become a part of my week’s spiritual rhythm…like going to church on Sunday morning.  It doesn’t cross my mind not to do it unless an act of God prohibits it. Although, I have been known to oversleep a few times!

We share our life’s story for the past week, hold each other…

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For All Who Struggle to DO Hospitality

It usually happens during a week that I feel the most vulnerable and overwhelmed. My husband says something like, “I think we should have an open house after church on Sunday.”

I’ll instantly think of all that will need to be done to make that happen. I admit I’ll also get the vulnerable feeling in the pit of my stomach. After a year of rehabbing our home, my kitchen cabinets still don’t have doors and my bathroom is still missing drywall. I imagine what others might say about that on…

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