Hebrews 7:24-28
“24 but he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever. 25 Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. 26 For it was indeed fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens. 27 He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself. 28 For the law appoints men in their weakness as high priests, but the word of the oath, which came later than the law, appoints a Son who has been made perfect forever.”
The longer I walk with Christ, the more I see my need for a perfectly holy high priest to intercede for me…constantly. How comforting it is to know that Jesus always lives to make intercession for me…for us. He lives to bring our requests to the Father. If I thought this through each day would my prayer life change? I wonder…just what his intercession looks like…sounds like…what are the words. Jesus has words for you with the Father. Can you imagine it?
Certainly all sorts of words and conversations have happened about us with others…some good…some maybe we’d just rather not hear. This is one conversation we can be sure is never hurtful and never disappointing. He lives to intervene for us. He is always pointing to Himself and His perfect offering made for us. He is always pleading our case for us based on His blood and merits.
And He has saved us to the UTTERMOST…we who draw near to God through Christ. He saved us completely and forever with that one offering. Is there an uttermost sin that you won’t even allow yourself to contemplate? If you are trusting in Christ…even that one has been handled.
My husband sometimes calls me his “little extremist”. Even though I’ve learned not to use extreme talk, it still comes out of me at times. Words like “you always” or “I always” or “it will NEVER work” or “I’ll NEVER get this.” I don’t want to use this talk but, unfortunately, it is something I’m working on. This passage uses extreme talk, but it is GOOD extreme talk! My husband can’t be disappointed with me if I quote this verse! The writer pours it on here because this is the ultimate high priest. The babe in a manger is the last in a long series because He was the only one who was perfect and the only one to last forever. Take a look at the underlined words in this passage that show intensity of perfection. The writer surely wants to convey to us our extremely high privilege to have THE perfect high priest.
Meditate on the above verses and especially the words that show Jesus’s perfection. Praise God for sending a perfect priest to us. Listen to O Holy Night.
This is a devotional from my Christmas Kindle book, Beyond the Nativity, available this week for only.99! Reviews on Amazon would be so appreciated!
Beyond the Nativity consists of twenty devotions (four weeks of devotions at five devotions per week). A different theme of the incarnation is presented for each week.
Week 1: The Description
Week 2: The Purpose
Week 3: The Manifestation
Week 4: The Importance and Rewards
Each week’s meditation topic has five devotions which include a scripture with a short devotion to read and a historical artistic piece to view. Some of the devotions include lyrics to a traditional Christmas hymn.
Is it possible that people who love Jesus strive so hard to keep the nativity in mind during Christmas that our celebrating is mostly about that one moment of Christ’s birth? While that is right and wonderful, we can go deeper by meditating on more than the moment of or the story of His birth. Thinking upon the deep aspects of God coming to us in the flesh has the ability to give us great joy throughout the Christmas season and throughout the year. I pray that you are blessed as you think upon Emmanuel, God With Us, this Christmas.
Praising God for His extreme talk for it actually brings such comfort knowing that Jesus ALWAYS INTERCEDES for us, is PERFECT, and is THE ONE AND ONLY TOO. Thankful we are near neighbors at Recommendation Sat.
Thank you Linda…it brings me comfort to just read these comments this morning and hear it once again coming from others. Have a blessed Christmas!
God is a god of everyday of the year not just at Christmas with the birth of Jesus. I am comforted to know that God is on my side, ready to jump in to help all day long. Thank you for your thoughts and for linking up to The Weekend Brew.
Mary–thank you for keeping the brew going and for visiting! May we continue to celebrate Christ with us all year long as we do now in this season…
Yes, this passage is the kind of EXTREME talk I love! Glad to be your “neighbor” at The Weekend Brew this Sunday. Have a blessed week.
Hi Kym…I’m a bit slow on responding and visiting this week. Thank you for visiting me from the link-up party. Glad you like this extreme talk!
Thanks so much for underlining the “extreme” words— it is so encouraging because I DO want a high priest to be that sure of His love for us– and our hope with Him. You do good work, Amy. So good.
Thank you…SOOOO MUCH! (I couldn’t underline but those are supposed to be extreme words to describe how extremely appreciative I am of you…)
Beautiful truth! I’m so thankful for my Great High Priest!
Thank you Elizabeth! I keep wanting to visit you but can’t find you, although I know I’ve found you before. When you comment, there isn’t a link on your gravatar to take me to your website. What is your website??
Beautiful Amy! I love knowing that when I run out of words or my heart is so heavy they just won’t come . . . my ultimate Great High Priest prays for me and loves me. May your Christmas celebration be filled with His presence and the joy only He can give. Blessings!
Thanks Deb…I am comforted in this too. Thanks for visiting! Merry Christmas!
Absolutely, reading this brings great reminders and comfort too! Blessings this holiday season!