About Me

Hi, my name is Amy Jung.

I’m a follower of Jesus, wife, mom, homeschooler, life coach, photographer, and writer. I loved writing and illustrating stories as a kid, and I’ve grown up to write and use my photography on this blog. I’ve even begun to sell photo products on Etsy.

An education in Theology, Biblical Counseling, and Christian Life Coaching impacts my writing and online work.

Though I grew up in a Christian home, I rebelled and turned away from the Lord for many years. Though I was only about 25 when I finally returned, an untold amount of damage had been done to my heart and mind. The Lord gave me a strong desire to get an education in Theology and Christian Counseling to understand healing from a biblical worldview. While studying in seminary, I met my husband. He pastors a 180+ year-old, rural church and I homeschool our two teen kids while squeezing in time for the writing and coaching. We are rehabbing a little farmhouse and I enjoy photographing the beauty around us and looking for God’s beautiful stories of renewal in our everyday life.

I have a passion for…

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About This Site

I’m going to Graceland.

Will you join me?

This site began with the name wastelandtograceland.com. 

I still write about turning away from my own way (Wasteland thinking and living) and turning toward and yielding to Jesus, his grace, and his kingdom (Graceland thinking and living). The theme has deepened a bit and now also centers on reframing life stories to reflect God’s grace. These stories are graced stories when we choose to look at them through the lens of God’s grace and within His story. I enjoy helping others to live by faith through writing my own graced stories, asking faith questions, and coaching others to reframe their life stories and pursue a purpose informed by the pattern of graced stories God has   given them.

This site has evolved into so much more than a blog, so I’ve changed the name to amylynnejung.com so it has a feel of encompassing all that I offer. If you haven’t been here for a while, please check out the courses and coaching I offer.

I am so happy you’re here! Thank you for visiting.

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs…

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I welcome you to explore my life coaching services.

Please click on the logo below to enter my coaching website:

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Imagine your life as a sacred space, a museum of honor to bring glory to our Father in Heaven. It’s filled with graced stories of glory, hope, brokenness, and pain.

God’s grace is woven throughout every story whether we’ve recognized it or not.

What if you spoke and heard words of kindness, hope, honor, and grace over those stories?

Join me over at my course page, Curators of Grace, for on-demand and live course offerings.

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