Overcoming Overwhelm: Practicing Passive & Active Patience, Week 8 of 8

Gardening is a form of suffering. Not for everyone who does it, but it is for me! My dad peruses seed catalogs like I used to peruse the Christmas toy catalogs as a child. I, on the other hand, feel a bit anxious at the sight of them in the mailbox. What will I plant? When will I plant? Where will I plant? Will I really follow through all summer long with the weeding that must be done? Those decisions are small in comparison to the long drawn out process of…

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If You Long to See God Work


Did that title resonate with you?  Does your heart long…even ache…to see and understand God’s work in your life?  Those who are in Christ, I believe, naturally desire that.

I’m on vacation this week so…giving you an old story from the past year.  It is a timeless reminder of our need to expect to see God’s work in our lives and to be amazed by it through a visit to the big top.

We made our way to the big top…expecting excitement.

Two rows behind the one ring soon to be filled with…

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