If You Long to See God Work


Did that title resonate with you?  Does your heart long…even ache…to see and understand God’s work in your life?  Those who are in Christ, I believe, naturally desire that.

I’m on vacation this week so…giving you an old story from the past year.  It is a timeless reminder of our need to expect to see God’s work in our lives and to be amazed by it through a visit to the big top.

We made our way to the big top…expecting excitement.

Two rows behind the one ring soon to be filled with…

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Joy When You’re Scurrying

Have you ever observed an anthill?

I’ve been floored the last two weeks by the never-ending antics going on in our  anthill.  We bought the commercial habitat so that we could easily view ants burrowing and tunneling through the sand and foraging for food above ground.

Our little ants scurry around as if there is no tomorrow.  Their time has nearly ended in the anthill.  The life expectancy is about two – four weeks and…I’m sad to say they are down to about seven.   Even though their time is short, these seven still…

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