Christmas in Graceland…What’s It Like?

Christmas in Graceland…What’s It Like?

Shopping for Christmas presents is done with joy and a heart to bless instead of sensing it’s another task to cross off list of things to do this month.

There’s time to connect with those I love because I know that’s where the delights of Christmas really happen; face to face over good conversation and a hot drink or treat.

Instead of compulsively “doing” the usual Christmas thing, I allow for new ways that will truly nourish the soul (mine and those I’m called to love).

My sense…

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Ancient Practice for Remembering God’s Presence Throughout the Day

Psalm 139

I walked into my husband’s office to look through every single shelf seeking a book title that might touch my heart. My husband has two offices, each with walls covered with books.  To be married to a man who loves books as much as I do is a dream come true. His books are organized neatly in rows according to subjects.  It’s a far cry from my office with books scattered, piled high, and teetering about to fall over.  I don’t always know exactly what I’m looking for…

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