One Thing to Remember When You Need Courage and Peace


“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.” -Isaiah 26:3-4

This is a call to be centered on the Lord in the midst of life’s hardness.  When it’s hard, He is harder. I mean that in an encouraging way. He is a rock. A steady, unmoving place to place our feet. A rock that doesn’t cause us to stumble, but keeps us from stumbling.  I want to…

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When You Need to Take Courage

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A government shut-down.

A family killed in a rock-slide.

Children addicted to porn.

Christians and churches being attacked.

Teen pleads guilty to murdering a 10 year old girl.

These are just a handful of the articles that flash across my screen this morning.  Some I read.  Some I can’t.

And the scary world isn’t just “out THERE”.  It’s right here.  I see the scary sin or dangers right here.  In my town.  In my church. In my home.  In my own heart.  Because Satan attacks where we attempt to move toward Christ.


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