Quote For The Weekend…A Weekend of Rest

Dear friend…do you need rest this weekend?

I am thinking over this quote today.  Would you join me?

“Remember, therefore, it is not your hold of Christ that saves you – it is Christ.

It is not your joy in Christ that saves you – it is Christ.

It is not even your faith in Christ, though that be the instrument – it is Christ’s blood and merits.

Therefore, look not so much to your hand with which you are grasping Christ, as to Christ.

Look not to your hope, but to Jesus, the…

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Greater than Me

The Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier, downtown Chicago was big and overwhelming. I felt relieved when I saw that it was closed down for the day because of wind.  I thought that was funny…things close down due to wind in the windy city?  Ruthie, my three year old daughter, was not happy.  Inside I was relieved to know that I didn’t have to go up there and pretend to be brave like I’ve had to do all week. 

I used to go to big cities for work. Drive in them….

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Too Good to be True

I heard her little girl voice lifting up prayer.  She didn’t know I was listening to her precious gratefulness:

“Thank you God for the potty…

Thank you for the toilet paper…

Thank you for the water…

Thank you for the sink…

Thank you for the shower…

Thank you for stingrays…and sharks…and Ellie our dog…

Thank you for…”

I didn’t let her know I was listening.  I’ll just keep this one in my heart.  It has made me wonder though, on a night that I was already pondering prayer…what am I teaching my children about prayer?  What…

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Friday Fun…Blog Swap

I want to introduce my friend, Misty, to you today!  Misty is visiting here and I’m writing over on her blog, Simply Helping Him, about Our Children…Gifts to the World.

Misty’s blog always moves me to want to serve the Lord and my husband more passionately.  Make sure you check out her inspiring site after reading her great reminder to us about God’s grace:


Often we talk of grace; how we’ve received it, thus we should show it to…

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Life Under the Big Top

We made our way to the big top…expecting excitement.

Two rows behind the one ring soon to be filled with tigers, elephants, camels and a woman swinging high on a trapeze.

Our anticipation was rewarded.

Eyes enlarged.  Unable to take in all.  In awe.

Truly…death-defying acts performed before us.  Stunts done without mats.  Angry tigers.  Kids delighted.  I cringed.  Unsure if we should’ve been watching.  I was waiting for the worst.

Performers risked life and limb…

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Rejoicing in the grace and love of God

“One day as I was passing into the field…

this sentence fell upon my soul.

-‘Thy righteousness is in heaven.’ And I thought I saw with the eyes of my soul Jesus Christ at God’s right hand;

there, I say, was my righteousness; so that wherever I was, or whatever I was doing,

God could not say of me, he lacks My righteousness, for that (righteousness) was just before Him.

I also saw, moreover, that it was not my good frame of heart that made my righteousness better, nor yet my bad frame…

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The Truth Empowers…Joy

We’re still hanging on to the last days of warmth…

to golden sun…

and golden leaves falling out of the sky.

The earth…knowing it is in all of it’s glory…is throwing it’s beauty down like confetti…saying, “Look at me!  Celebrate the Lord’s incredible creativity!”

We attend each day like a parade…watching…picking up leaves like candy…marveling at their tranforming beauty.

Yesterday we meandered down a creek in the country in order to hold on…

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Joy When You’re Scurrying

Have you ever observed an anthill?

I’ve been floored the last two weeks by the never-ending antics going on in our  anthill.  We bought the commercial habitat so that we could easily view ants burrowing and tunneling through the sand and foraging for food above ground.

Our little ants scurry around as if there is no tomorrow.  Their time has nearly ended in the anthill.  The life expectancy is about two – four weeks and…I’m sad to say they are down to about seven.   Even though their time is short, these seven still…

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Amazed at Adoption

“I have my forever home!  I have been adopted!”  I can just imagine what my friend’s adopted daughter was thinking on her way to the U.S. after leaving the Ukraine and at least four years of being an orphan.  I remember the long years of waiting with my friend…the praying and the crying…the wondering of who it would be.

This would’ve been my exclamation too upon becoming a Christian…but I didn’t really understand at that point all of my new realities…

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Getting Ready For One Precious Day…

The Mayfly:  Sometimes called the dayfly.  For most of her life – two to three years – she swims in a pond.  Her wings grow all of this time.  These beautiful wings are kept shut up in a tight case getting ready for one, precious day in the air.

This week, as my son and I studied science together, we read about this Mayfly.

My son didn’t understand why I cried when I read about the Mayfly.  I suppose it was silly…but maybe I am just a bit emotional this week.  Today I…

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