A Journey with the Good Shepherd Pt. 1


My last post, When You Wonder if the Lord Really Shepherds You, was almost a month ago.  I had dug up the past…an old post from a couple of years ago in which I shared an entry from my journal and a question:

“Does The Shepherd really care for me??”

I had not intended for it to be the last for a month but so much has happened in life since then. I had not intended for it to be pondered by myself as much as it was, but it…

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When You Wonder if the Lord Really Shepherds You

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My heart is heavy this week so I’m retrieving yet another post from a couple of years ago.  Today you can steal a peek into my private journal.  I hope you’re encouraged by how the Lord responded to my heart’s cry…

6/18/13                                                                                       …

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On Revisiting the Past

I’m revisiting the past this week…a post from about one year ago…


The million steps to 35 years ago is literally just a few blocks away.

I live one street over from a house I grew up in. Sometimes I take my children down that dead-end road. We walk down the gravel road where I remember…like yesterday…playing in the puddles with my brother. Running his green Tonka truck through the brown sludge.

It was a dream home for our family. A house in town but in the woods. We could walk to…

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But I Will Hope

ruthie egg

Her eyes delighted in the blue egg and her little hands cupped it gingerly.  I told her we should leave it where it was and she reluctantly complied.  For two weeks she wondered why the mommy didn’t come after it and how it fell out of its nest.  Every day she ran around to the side of the house to check on its status.

I tried to warn her of the realities of what happens when an egg doesn’t have a mama to care for it.  I told her it…

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Jesus Disrupts and Restores

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   interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem.
   drastically alter or destroy the structure of (something).
To say Jesus disrupts might be a bit of an understatement.   But I’ll stick with that because that is was the wordage my husband used this past Sunday when he preached.  He and, as always, the Lord get credit for any thoughts written here this week.

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Our Entire Blessedness

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Do you ever foolishly stoop to drink from another fountain than Christ?

I do.

I feel Him calling me to turn away from my fleshly responses to life and back toward Graceland.  Trusting in Him fully in each moment.  JESUS is my entire blessedness.  Why do I wallow in the world and flesh?  I have Him…abundance…in each moment. 

But I must choose that.

How many other fountains are there?  Let me count the ways…

The fountain of control.

The fountain of anger.

The fountain of worry.

The fountain of fear.

The fountain of distrust.

The list of the fountains…

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The Kind of Death I Long For


Not too far from my house there is a patch of woods that runs along a bluff overlooking the Missouri River.  It’s in a place that is quite special to me.  To get there you have to enter a cemetery.  I grew up not far from this cemetery, so going there is like revisiting my childhood.  My siblings and I used to ride our bikes through it as kids.  Once in a while, intrigued by the antiquity of them,  we would stop to look at the graves.

Once inside…

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If You Have a Dream


Do you have a dream?  I hope you do.  God has made you and molded you in your life circumstances for certain gifts, longings, desires and passions. Often times, these stir in our hearts and minds for years and months before we take real steps toward living them out.

I’ve had a longing to write and create pictures since I was a little girl.  I remember at about age four or five I would trace the pictures from Lois Lenski’s Strawberry Girl and pretend to write in those blank spaces…

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The Beauty of Abiding in Christ

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I live in wine country.  Grape vines surround this town and some, older than my grandmother, line backyard walkways and fences.  I’m familiar with their lush greenery and abundant fruit in the late summer and also their barrenness in the late winter.

Do you see beauty in these pictures of the barren grape vine?

I do too.  Maybe because I can relate to the barren grape vine due to barren seasons in my own life.

I don’t see vines failing to produce.  For if they were failing to produce, the vinedresser would…

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The Beauty of Your Freedom in Christ

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I woke up this Saturday morning to a fresh blanket of snow.  By mid-afternoon much of it had melted.  With warmer weather moving in, I decided to take a walk with my camera.

Just a short walk down a hill and I always come to this.  A rock wall and an overlook of the Missouri River.  A clear view of the Missouri River is hardly possible even past the rock wall.  There are railroad tracks, trains sometimes and the hillside is covered with gigantic trees with gnarly limbs sprawling across the view.  During the summer,…

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