Look to Christ

192captuI nestle down in my writing nook and open the window to cool spring air and birds singing.  Before my alarm goes off to remind me to write, I’m writing.  This is the first morning to click the “Add New” link in WordPress in well over a month. There seems to be a calm before a storm outside my window.  The sky is funereal and the still-bear trees reach and sway upward toward it as if to lift hands to heaven. Crying for what’s to come.

It’s not for me and…

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The Real Problem of the Christian Life

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Do you agree? Is this the real problem of the Christian life?

The True Light Part 2

Основные RGB


“In him, was life, and the life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness.”                                                                                                                                  -John 1:4-5

The Light has…

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The True Light Part 1

true light

Baby Jesus came into the world with purpose, to bring his brightest light into the darkest dark.

“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.” -John 1:9

Some people turn away from his light, but by coming He has brought light to the world.

Look on any news site right now and you will see all kinds of woes.  Yet is this, perhaps, one of our world’s greatest catastrophes? That, “He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him”…

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The Greatest Perspective Available to Overcome Temptations



It’s been a lazy summer.  Delightful, easy, carefree and…I don’t want it to end!


kids under bridge


ru on bridge

With a light schedule and easy days, there has been less temptation toward frustration in the home. I guess that is why I wasn’t prepared for it.

I became frustrated and angered very quickly at a situation with the kids at home yesterday. Afterward, I wondered aloud to God how it happened.  How had I…

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One Thing Sure to Strengthen & Comfort You

sunrise with name

Heavy eyelids open to the early morning light.  My body is asleep but my mind and soul are awake.  For the first time in days, I might have an hour or two alone.  Since leaving for vacation in this old RV, I’ve only found solitude in a bathroom the size of myself.

It’s worth it.  Our longest trip ever in this almost thirty year old RV to venture to my family’s old vacation spot and to take my parents back there.  We want to introduce my kids to the…

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The Rescuer and a Rescue Giveway

Lamentations 3:19

It’s the day before VBS, folks.  My mind is occupied by thoughts of crafts.  I will be eyeballs deep in kids, clay and paint this week. Our Vacation Bible School director says it every year.  “It’s the Lord’s Vacation Bible School.  If He wants it to go on, He will provide.”  Every year He does provide for this little country church and this provision has been an example to me in my own personal life to trust for God’s provision.  Our director’s words also remind me that He has…

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If You Feel Helpless in the Waiting

I am so happy to have my friend, Kasia Allen, guest writing here today.  I had the privilege of getting to know her when she was a young teenager in high school when I first started going to my church.  She has grown up, gone to college and moved on to the big city but she’s still in my heart.  She is also still active in her faith.  What an encouragement it is to know a young woman still walking with her Lord through high school, college and beyond.

I’ve always struggled with waiting.  From the coffee being made in…

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Enter Graceland


Each time I drive by this I think of an imaginary place where I turn away from the wasteland of wrong thinking.  It’s a beautiful dwelling place in my mind where I turn my thinking over to the truths about who Christ is and who I am in Him.  It’s a plantation where I sew the seeds of grace and preach the gospel to myself.  It’s a habitat that I call Graceland.

So I finally had enough forethought to bring the camera and ask the question my husband hears all too often, “Will…

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A Journey with The Good Shepherd Pt. 2

shepherd 2

Last week I wrote about journeying with The Good Shepherd and how all that we really need  is what we already carry around with us…Jesus.  I asked the question, “Am I really free to dare to pursue adventures with Christ…dangers and all?”

And of course the answer is yes.  I…we…are really free to dare to pursue Christ…and adventures with Him…dangers and all.

Let that sink in.  What would that look like?   “Do you have a God-given passion or desire on your heart that you have set aside over and…

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