Am I Abiding?

Lovey is our cool, orange tabby. He’s a cat’s cat. He’s soft and gentle with our family but will ferociously chase down a dog that’s going after one of his feline friends. He’s the king of our farm but allows strays to eat from his bowl. He was a rescue cat, so I like to think he remembers his roots and desires to give back to the community. He’s been diagnosed with feline leukemia, but you’d never know it. He weighs seventeen pounds and runs with a sassy kitten named Baby. He takes hikes deep into the…

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How Are You Waiting?

The encouragement in this post has been expanded upon in the podcast episode which can be found below.
Will you join me at Asking Is Loving?

I’ve known my friend, Susan Newkirk, for about twenty years. We started off being friends through our young adult group at a church we both attended. At that time, the two of us along with three other women decided to form a group that would seek to trust God as…
The encouragement in this post has been expanded upon in the podcast episode which can be found below.
Will you join me at Asking Is Loving?

I’ve known my friend, Susan Newkirk, for about twenty years. We started off being friends through our young adult group at a church we both attended. At that time, the two of us along with three other women decided to form a group that would seek to trust God as…
The encouragement in this post has been expanded upon in the podcast episode which can be found below.
Will you join me at Asking Is Loving?

I’ve known my friend, Susan Newkirk, for about twenty years. We started off being friends through our young adult group at a church we both attended. At that time, the two of us along with three other women decided to form a group that would seek to trust God as…

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Have I learned contentment?

An audio version of this post can be listened to by clicking on the show graphic below:

Who would’ve thought that playing with pumpkins in a creek could be so fun? It was a great challenge to throw pumpkins into our creek and try to pick them up and get them into a sled without tipping our makeshift boat into the water. Our poodle, Shadow, enjoyed trying to get the stem of the pumpkins in her mouth…

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What Dreams and Desires Get In The Way Of More Fully Embracing Jesus and Others?

Click below to check out the podcast version of this post:

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What dreams and desires get in the way of more fully embracing Jesus and others?

I prayed that the Lord would help me to desire to embrace Him over other things that were creeping into my heart. He reminded me to remember. Revival in our hearts always starts with remembering the truth….

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How does my perspective of God impact my level of contentment?

Click below to check out the podcast version of this post!

With a crowbar in one muddy hand and a shovel in the other, I lifted my eyes and voice toward the sky. Heavy rain pelted my face and I cried out, “God, what are we doing here?!”

It was Labor Day a few years ago and my husband had started a project over the…

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Am I Content with My Level of Contentment?

You can access the podcast, Asking is Loving, version of this post by clicking on the show graphic below:

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To say that the weekly 6:00 a.m. conversation and prayer time with my friend, Suzanne, is fuel for my blog and podcast would be an understatement.

That weekly time holds me to considering my past week and what lies ahead. It keeps me holding my…

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For When You Feel Weak

My family and I waited for our food during a rare lunch date in the middle of the week. Feelings of failure overcame me.  Like being in battle, one blow after another hit me this past week. Parenting blows. Each one magnified, perhaps, by the reality that I’m in a state of upheaval as my family prepares to move out the house we’ve been in for over a decade.

My husband said, “You need God’s Word.”

My reply, “I also need to look at reality.”

My son, coming into the booth at…

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